World First Koala Enclosure on Top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Forgetting today is in fact April Fool’s Day, climbers arrived at our Climb Base filled with excitement and anticipation to conquer one of the world’s greatest icons, the Sydney Harbour Bridge. What they weren’t expecting was to experience not one, but two Aussie icons at once.

As they approached the summit, the spectacular view was not the only element of surprise that had them gasp with excitement. They were delighted to witness an unexpected animal encounter during their Climb experience, a koala who had scaled the great Bridge 134 metres high above the Sydney Harbour!

The koala took over the summit, enjoying the uninterrupted 360 degree view that surrounded her, and was quite comfortable basking in the ambiance of her new home. The Eucalyptus Tree, traditionally home to the koala, is known as one of the tallest plants on the planet and can grow up to 60 metres high. It’s not surprising that this ambitious little koala was enjoying the great Bridge at its highest point.

Following their initial encounter, each Climber had the opportunity to approach and gently pet the koala, some were even fortunate enough to win her affections and take a memorable photo with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.

If you haven’t already guessed, there wasn’t a live koala enclosure on the Bridge, but in fact a Climb Leader fooling our Climbers. Happy April Fool’s Day!